user: 9824-XUN 992
File orig. CC8467YUQ-940174
// ACCESS GRANTED <channel127>
“AOS”, or Age Of Cataclysms, is the term often applied to the series of catastrophic astrological and geological events that happened between 2089 and 2097 in System 1 (Earths indigenous star system). While the causal events impacted all worlds across the system, Earth was most severely and continually
affected. The events themselves have been given many names, but the most widely used terms are (in chronological order of events):
The Blast Wave / Interlopers Intervention / Advent Of Utu / The First Death Valley / The Great Freeze / The Second Death Valley / The Parting / Journey Of Tundra / The First Great Cataclysm / The Avalon Arrival
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